Menu Item Specific Templates for YooTheme Pro

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Allows you to make your YooTheme templates Menu Item specific - supports Single Article and Article Blog templates.

This means that you can create multiple layouts for content items or blogs from the same category e.g. recipe information focused on skills required can be different to recipe information focused on allergies.

Click images to enlarge.

Recipes Category Blog

This template applies to category blog views for recipes category under the 'Recipes' menu item.
Constrain Template By Menu Item
Constrained Template By Menu Item
See this in action at our demo site. Note that the demo page features some extensions that we have not yet released.

Floating Recipes Category Blog

This special template applies to different category blog view for recipes category under the main 'Float Recipes' menu item.
Constrain Template By Menu Item 2
Constrained Template By Menu Item 2
See this in action at our demo site. Note that the demo page features some extensions that we have not yet released.

Remember that YooTheme looks down the list of templates in order to find the first template that matches the specified criteria so make sure you place your menu item restricted templates above the more generic templates in your list.

To use this extension - install the downloaded Joomla system plugin and assign your templates to specific menu items where required.