By g39n22e on Sunday, 18 February 2018
Posted in Presale Questions
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I read that we can use it for Sobipro but i did not see how we can do that on your demo site. Can you tell me how this can work in sobipro since it has its own templates? I am interested in finding a way for each sobi entry to have its own design so I was hoping your component may do that.

Also, can it help me reference K2 articles to Sobi entries and vice versa via tags or some other automated way? (i want it to be able for simple users to find and apply the reference)

Thank you
There is no SobiPro integration available at present but it is something we are looking at for future releases.

At present we offer a 2-way linkage between Joomla articles to allow for sophisticated related articles links and lists but not yet for K2 or SobiPro
7 years ago
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