Tuesday, 20 April 2021
  4 Replies
  7.9K Visits

I've spent some time with layout builder. Also by being SP Page Builder user for quite some time,
I've found that some features would be very handy here as well:

- Ability to clone items and rows. Add clone icon just before trash icon.
This would save a lot of clicks when creating more complex structure.

- Ability to collapse and expand rows, with option to remember expanded or collapsed state after saving.
This would save a lot of vertical scrolling and clicking when creating more complex structure.
Each row takes a lot of vertical space and collapsing finished rows would help to focus on current row.

Best Regards
3 years ago
I'm very interested to test this because Im currently working on one complex layout structure,
and it will be very handy to have rows collapsed.

Topic is opened; https://www.easylayouts.net/support/discussions/testing-new-features

I did a bit of experimentation and have got this working using localstorage - let me know if you'd like to try it by opening a new topic in one of the member only forum categories

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3 years ago

I know that "SP Page Builder" stores collapsed/expanded state data in database, because if I expand it and save it, another admin sees it expanded. And If I collapse it and save it, another admn sees it collapsed.
This for example is good feature if more than one admin is modifying EL layout, which is less likely scenario considering the fact how easy is to mess something in EL :)
SP Page Builder is both structure and content oriented so storing exp/coll data in database is justified.

IMHO for EasyLayouts it would be enough to sore this data locally

Thanks for considering this suggestion as feature :)

That is a good idea - do you think it would be ok to use the browser's local storage to save the state?

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

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