Sunday, 31 October 2021
  22 Replies
  9.1K Visits
If so can you give an indication of when that might be please?

Many thanks.

Version 1.3.3 is now released and is "compatible" with Joomla 4. It will allow you to upgrade a site to Joomla 4 but it WON'T "do its stuff" and you will then be prompted to upgrade to version 1.4.0 when its released on Monday.

Any testing of 1.4.0 prior to Monday would be very welcome!

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

I'm ready to roll out the new release and have figured out to manage the upgrade.

Version 1.3.3 will be compatible with Joomla 3.10 and Joomla 4.0 but do nothing in Joomla 4 other than give a message to say there is a need to upgrade.

Version 1.4.0 will not be offered to Joomla 3 and is fully Joomla 4 compatible.

The update server from Joomla 3 will offer version 1.3.3 and say that it is compatible for the upgrade,
The update server from Joomla 4 will offer version 1.4.0,

Version 1.4.0 is running on the EasyLayouts demo site with no problems and I will make it available in the club forum for testing over the weekend. If there are no reported issued by Monday I will do the formal release then,

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

Sorry - got stuck on a YourSites release which was crashing during the release tests.

Working on it today - I just need to make sure there is a clean upgrade process from the Joomla 3 version to the Joomla 4 version.

Hoping for a release today - Monday at the latest

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

2 years ago
Hi, Geraint!

And I'm looking forward the release of EL for J4.
Do you have any news?

Hi Geraint,
any news for the release of EL for J4 :-( ?
Hi Geraint,
do you know the date of release of EL compatible J4... I'm waiting for it to finish the work on a website ;) .
Hope so... I renewed my subscription in march for the new version J4... and it's already finished :(
The most important is that it's coming... ;)
Hoping to get the stable version out next week!

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

2 years ago
Hello, is there a EasyLayouts beta version to test in Joomla4?
If you have a subscription it's here
2 years ago
Hello, is there a EasyLayouts beta version to test in Joomla4?
many thanks :D
Just running some final tests and making sure there is a suitable upgrade path from version 3.10.x then ready to release.

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.


is easy layout now fully compatible with joomla 4?

I am making a pre-release of EasyLayouts for Joomla 4 available in the technical support forum. is running this version if you want to take a look - please let me know if you see any problems. The default Cassoipea styling needs a bit of work - uikit is more attractive out of the box than Bootstrap 5 in my opinion.

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

Getting very close - targetting the end of this week for a release candidate.

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

3 years ago
Looking to subscribe to this software again but need it for J4. Any news?
Great news, thank you ! I hope it's ok for you with Mister Covid.
I'm migrating our own production sites to EasyLayouts in Joomla 4 and once I'm happy these are stable and working I'll be happy to release the final stable version. This should be within the next 2 weeks (Covid willing!!).

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

Hi Geraint,
do you have an idea of the date of release of Easylayouts compatible Joomla 4 ?
I've been testing out our updated version on a copy of the EasyLayouts demo site and am ironing out the issues that are arising.

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

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