Wednesday, 25 July 2018
  3 Replies
  10.1K Visits
Our test users did not like the "caption" field for the intropic because the caption text does not look nice on the blog/list view/layout. "If we should not use the caption field for the intropic then it should not be there." For similar reasons they don't want the float selection field for both intropic and fulltext pic. How do I best make those 3 fields invisible? I couldn't find any class for those fields that I could use to create an overwrite to set their visibility to hidden. Would be could if you could update EL to provide classes, or better, had settings for the publishing field that allow to disable the display of those fields.
6 years ago
Great!! Thanks for sharing!!
Great, problem fixed. For the benefit of other users here comes the code I added to my custom.css stylesheet:

/* Hide alternative text field for intro pic */
#jform_images_image_intro_alt {display: none;}
#jform_images_image_intro_alt-lbl {display: none;}

/* Hide alternative text field for main pic */
#jform_images_image_fulltext_alt {display: none;}
#jform_images_image_fulltext_alt-lbl {display: none;}

/* Hide caption setting for intro pic */
#jform_images_image_intro_caption-lbl {display: none;}
#jform_images_image_intro_caption {display: none;}

/* Hide float setting for intro pic */
#jform_images_float_intro-lbl {display: none;}
#jform_images_float_intro_chzn {display: none;}

/* Hide float setting for main pic */
#jform_images_float_fulltext-lbl {display: none;}
#jform_images_float_fulltext_chzn {display: none;}

I still think EL should add a tab for their intropic and mainpic fields with tickboxes allowing userse to make those items invisible on the images tab.
6 years ago
Hi Andrew,
you have the possibility to add classes to your layout fields just adding a wrapper to the field ;)

Anyway if you just want to hide those input fields on edit, I think it's easier for you to just look for the id of the input and labels for them and hide them with CSS ;)
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