Tuesday, 26 September 2017
  33 Replies
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It would be grate to select multiple images and create a slidehsow. Is it possible?
Accepted Answer
Did you try the multiple image list field that comes with Joomla - it allows you to select from already uploaded images. The output is NOT pretty but we can add support for a carousel type output for this field quite quickly and then in the next week or two add the option to upload multiple images.

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I think I know what is going on - would you mind removing the blank option from one of your SQL fields so that I can how it behaves compared to the other.


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This is turning out to be a little more complex than I thought - still working on the best solution. Sorry for the delay

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p.s. since yesterday I have realised what the issue is with the multi-select field value resets and will resolve it when I return to the office tomorrow.

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I'm sorry I did reply to this post and remember seeing the answer in the forum - I eventually found my reply in a completely different forum :(

That is strange - I'm looking into it.

If I search for 'Abrantes' - I get one match and then clicking reset I get nothing but if I manually reset the form it works.

In fact clicking reset from the initial screen then returns zero results.

So I converted the form from POST to GET and found the reset sends these parameters


whereas the manual reset sends this


Now to find out whey they are subtly different

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After a search in http://pmesustentavel.webiton.com.pt/index.php/empresas-na-rede/pme.html if i dont get results and i press reset it doesnt reset and its impossible to get search results. Any suggestion?

thanks for all your support
Yes it will.

By the way I have also added the ability to reset radio fields and checkbox fields in the filters - do you want to use these sort of fields in your filter?

Thank you for your feedback on EasyLayouts - its really useful to get this type of user experience!

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Looks Ok! Will be possible to filter content from the user fields?

Thanks and congrats for all the support.
I have implemented a workaround for the absence of a blank value in the select list - but I notice you are working on it in the meantime.

Let me know if you have any more questions/issues

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Can you try it now?

There is an issue with your "Localidade" field - it doesn't have an 'any' or 'select a value' value that is ignored. I'm looking at what we can do as a workaround.

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Hello Again,

it seems that the layout for filter its not working for bootrap 4 could you update to?

Sorry about that - should be ok now. I had made the intro and lead item output framework specific but didn't have a bootstrap 4 template to test with so had missed this one :(

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this one is new...

0 Class 'easylayoutsOutput_intro_items_bootstrap4' not found


Now I understand what you mean - I thought you meant the top menu icons ;)

I have installed the latest 'release candidate' version which resolves this issue with placeholder images.

Category Blog sub-categories not yet fully implemented

this isn't an error message - its basically saying that we haven't implemented the code to allow you to customise the sub-categories links you can get at the bottom of the category blog page. That will continue to be controlled by the normal Joomla output until we implement this.

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I should have the placeholder in the right side of the title the empty white square...

the placeholder field its fielded as you can see.

this might be the error. Category Blog sub-categories not yet fully implemented

Looking at the menu items there are no link images set - I have added one for the Noticias menu item (on the Link Type tab of the menu item config). Is that what you were doing before or had you done it using CSS??

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i didn't change anything and i dont see the image placeholder. Yesterday it was ok... Can you please check?

The only thing I changed was the HTML of the slideshow - adding a couple of extra attributes required to make it work in BS4. I don't see how that could affect your placeholder images. Do they appear on other pages without the slideshow?

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It works. No i lost the placeholder image in the iniciativas and noticias menu
I fixed it on your site but am not sure about the aspect ratio of your uploaded images. Can you check that please

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Ah - you are using Bootstrap4. I've not tested it with BS4 - taking a look now.

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

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