Sunday, 15 April 2018
  11 Replies
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is it possible with EasyLayouts when editing a front-end module to hide certain core fields (as “Position”, “Status”, “Access”, ...) and certain core tabs (as “Assignments”, “Options", “Advanced”, ...) so as to leave only the text editor? … otherwise I will have to use a CCK, which seems totally unjustified for a such basic task :(

Thank you,

I understand the difficulty ... not obvious :(

For the first two questions may I have an answer:

1. It depends on which level of access the user is assigned and if the super administrator gives them the rights

2. Yes, I think it's the best solution. Also in this case it also depends if the super administrator will make visible a particular menu for such user ...

… for the other two questions I don't really have an answer ...

Thank you anyway for the great work done so far… :)

As I said - I'm looking at offering customisation of the module editing page, though the type of constraints you are looking for on positions/menus may be harder to implement.

I am part way through coding up the option to create a menu item automatically when you create an article or contact. Hopefully this will be implemented in the next release. The complications I have to deal with are:
1. Should the author be allowed to pick the menu into which the menu item is added?
2. Should this be from a list of possible menu items?
3. How to deal with multi-language sites which language specific menus
4. Maintaining a mapping between the article/contact and menu item that has been created so that we don't create a new one if the menu item is edited independently of the article/contact.

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

Thank you Geraint for all these clarifications,

now that I know that EA offers the possibility to choose where to create an article layout (back-end or front-end), I have another vision of your component ... that's what I was looking for ;) The real problem is that this function is limited to articles ... am I wrong?

The ideal would be to have the same approach for “custom html” modules type.
Give the possibility to the user to create only "custom html" type of modules and force him to assign them only in certain positions and to certain menu items (as much for the back-end as the front-end - or in this case maybe only in the back-end).

Having more flexibility to manage menus would also be interesting, for example, give the possibility to a user to create menu items and give the possibility to an administrator to hide certain menu items in order to force the user to use only some menu items ... maybe I'm asking too much, but in this case the use of Flexicontent would be useless :)

Thank you

Article editing can be customised in the backend by EasyLayouts - what other layouts were you wondering about customising?

I am referring to the layout of the editing sections in the backend, such as the article editing page or the module editing page.
It would be nice if EA would allow in the back-end to manage interfaces for each different user, but if I understand correctly EA is rather intended to create layouts for front-end articles. Am I wrong?

EasyLayouts can customise the article creation screen in the backend too - when you create the edit article layout you choose if this layout should apply in the frontend or the backend. You can use different layouts for different user groups using the permissions options in EasyLayouts.

Not at present but its an interesting idea. I didn't think this was possible in the backend in Joomla either - am I wrong?

No, I don’t think it's possible (maybe with an extra extension?).
I found this plug-in by Ark that can do it in front-end ... interesting approach.
You mean like the way you can create a category in a category blog menu item.

No, I'm referring to a single article linked to a menu.

You mean for a category blog menu item? I have done some ground work for this but its not yet finished.

No, I am referring to a simple list of articles belonging to several categories (each article belonging to a different category).
Joomla offers only two choices:

- Category List (Displays a list of articles in a unique category)
- List all categories (Shows a list of all categories)

I can’t choose only one or two categories.
Someone answered me on forum that it’s possible to select different categories through “Featured Articles" menu ... I have not tried yet, but I find the approach of Joomla not very logical.

We were talking about the same thing - the 'category blog' and 'category list' layouts only allow you to specify ONE category (and its sub-categories. I have been experimenting with a way to allow this condition to be relaxed so you can choose more than one category.

You are correct - you can use the 'featured' articles view to do this but you need to mark all the articles are 'featured' to achieve this goal.

when you create a category blog menu item in the backend you can create a category at the same time - i.e. its a one step process. That is what you want to achieve when creating an article. Agree that this is a good feature and will look at implementing it urgently.

Also agree about frontend module editing layouts - will look into that too,

Is this something that is important for your project?

No, I try to understand what is the best approach to realize my project.
It is always difficult to evaluate whether giving access to a user only at the front-end or also at the back-end, I find that in front-end we are quickly limited…

Another question.
Flexicontent makes it possible to organize the way of working and how to display layouts, both in back-end and front-end, a pity that his interface is in my opinion very chaotic and remains a component very rigid for the construction of layouts.

Is there a compatibility problem using EasyLayouts with Flexicontent?

Thank you again.


What sort of interaction would you be looking for?

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

Article editing can be customised in the backend by EasyLayouts - what other layouts were you wondering about customising?

I am referring to the layout of the editing sections in the backend, such as the article editing page or the module editing page.
It would be nice if EA would allow in the back-end to manage interfaces for each different user, but if I understand correctly EA is rather intended to create layouts for front-end articles. Am I wrong?

Not at present but its an interesting idea. I didn't think this was possible in the backend in Joomla either - am I wrong?

No, I don’t think it's possible (maybe with an extra extension?).
I found this plug-in by Ark that can do it in front-end ... interesting approach.
You mean like the way you can create a category in a category blog menu item.

No, I'm referring to a single article linked to a menu.

You mean for a category blog menu item? I have done some ground work for this but its not yet finished.

No, I am referring to a simple list of articles belonging to several categories (each article belonging to a different category).
Joomla offers only two choices:

- Category List (Displays a list of articles in a unique category)
- List all categories (Shows a list of all categories)

I can’t choose only one or two categories.
Someone answered me on forum that it’s possible to select different categories through “Featured Articles" menu ... I have not tried yet, but I find the approach of Joomla not very logical.

Is this something that is important for your project?

No, I try to understand what is the best approach to realize my project.
It is always difficult to evaluate whether giving access to a user only at the front-end or also at the back-end, I find that in front-end we are quickly limited…

Another question.
Flexicontent makes it possible to organize the way of working and how to display layouts, both in back-end and front-end, a pity that his interface is in my opinion very chaotic and remains a component very rigid for the construction of layouts.

Is there a compatibility problem using EasyLayouts with Flexicontent?

Thank you again.

Hello and thank you for the reply,
yes indeed, I thought to apply CSS rules to hide these elements but I wanted to know if Easy Layouts can be used on this kind of display (hide/display some Joomla core fields/tabs).

I have been thinking about a more generic approach to customising Joomla forms which would allow this - the approach would have fewer customisation options than the core com_content layouts but would help in this situation. Its a little way from being implemented though

You forgot to answer my last question, do you think that Easy Layouts is also able to manage layouts in the backend administration? …or is it rather a component dedicated to the front-end layout and only for articles?

Article editing can be customised in the backend by EasyLayouts - what other layouts were you wondering about customising?

Another thing, is it possible to change the type of subscription during the course of a lower subscription, if for example I take a basic subscription can I go to the next level (Pro 5) after few months without having to buy a full license ?

You will get an automatic partial discount (dependent on when you upgrade).

- It's incredible that with Joomla it is not possible to assign an article to a menu when it is created from the front-end. Can EA do it?

Not at present but its an interesting idea. I didn't think this was possible in the backend in Joomla either - am I wrong? You mean like the way you can create a category in a category blog menu item.

- Is it possible from the back-end to list several categories to choose from (only 2 o 3 for example)? Currently Joomla only allows to list items from a single category or from all categories ... so restrictive.

You mean for a category blog menu item? I have done some ground work for this but its not yet finished. Is this something that is important for your project?

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

Hello again...
sorry I've two more questions :)

- It's incredible that with Joomla it is not possible to assign an article to a menu when it is created from the front-end. Can EA do it?

- Is it possible from the back-end to list several categories to choose from (only 2 o 3 for example)? Currently Joomla only allows to list items from a single category or from all categories ... so restrictive.

Thank you,

Hello and thank you for the reply,
yes indeed, I thought to apply CSS rules to hide these elements but I wanted to know if Easy Layouts can be used on this kind of display (hide/display some Joomla core fields/tabs).

You forgot to answer my last question, do you think that Easy Layouts is also able to manage layouts in the backend administration? …or is it rather a component dedicated to the front-end layout and only for articles?

Another thing, is it possible to change the type of subscription during the course of a lower subscription, if for example I take a basic subscription can I go to the next level (Pro 5) after few months without having to buy a full license ?

Thank you

For your module editing you can use some custom CSS - e.g. add this to your template's custom css file

#modules-form .control-group:nth-child(3),
#modules-form .control-group:nth-child(4),
#modules-form .control-group:nth-child(5),
#modules-form hr,
#modules-form #options
display: none;

The frontend article editing page can be fully customised by EasyLayouts.

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

hello Geraint
I am referring to this type of field for editing modules in front-end

and this type of tabs for editing articles in front-end.

Does EasyLayouts can manage their display (hide core fields and core tabs)?

Another thing, do you think that Easylayouts is also able to manage layouts in the backend administration? …or is it rather a component dedicated to the front-end layout?

Thank you again,

Are you talking about the layout of the article creation page or the articles/category module which displays a list of articles matching a specific criteria?

If I understand your question - that is exactly what EasyLayouts was designed to do

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

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