Article editing can be customised in the backend by EasyLayouts - what other layouts were you wondering about customising?
I am referring to the layout of the editing sections in the backend, such as the article editing page or the module editing page.
It would be nice if EA would allow in the back-end to manage interfaces for each different user, but if I understand correctly EA is rather intended to create layouts for front-end articles. Am I wrong?
Not at present but its an interesting idea. I didn't think this was possible in the backend in Joomla either - am I wrong?
No, I don’t think it's possible (maybe with an extra extension?).
I found
this plug-in by Ark that can do it in front-end ... interesting approach.
You mean like the way you can create a category in a category blog menu item.
No, I'm referring to a single article linked to a menu.
You mean for a category blog menu item? I have done some ground work for this but its not yet finished.
No, I am referring to a simple list of articles belonging to several categories (each article belonging to a different category).
Joomla offers only two choices:
- Category List (Displays a list of articles in a unique category)
- List all categories (Shows a list of all categories)
I can’t choose only one or two categories.
Someone answered me on Joomla.fr forum that it’s possible to select different categories through “Featured Articles" menu ... I have not tried yet, but I find the approach of Joomla not very logical.
Is this something that is important for your project?
No, I try to understand what is the best approach to realize my project.
It is always difficult to evaluate whether giving access to a user only at the front-end or also at the back-end, I find that in front-end we are quickly limited…
Another question.
Flexicontent makes it possible to organize the way of working and how to display layouts, both in back-end and front-end, a pity that his interface is in my opinion very chaotic and remains a component very rigid for the construction of layouts.
Is there a compatibility problem using EasyLayouts with Flexicontent?
Thank you again.