On a complex website like mine, there are many categories, each of which has a Blog, Blog Article, Article, and Edit Article EasyLayout. For the backend list of layouts to be more organised, it would be helpful if it was possible to move layouts up and down - like you can in the Joomla Content, Category, Modules, Plugins, Menu and Template Manager - to have all layouts for a particular category together rather than all over the place. While it might be normal to create all templates for one category at the same time, this is not always the case. What is more, a user might decided to redo a layout, after other layouts for a different category have been created, without - at least at first - deleting the original layout. Then that new template will be right on top, while the rest of the layouts for that category are further down. If you want to make it really fancy, than you could even introduce sorting and filtering like you can everywhere else in the Joomla backend.